I am trying something new. Atomic Learning now features direct link sharing to subscribers, so because we have installed 10 new Promethean ActivBoards this year I am embedding links to their ActivInspire videos. (Note: the first three links are active without an Atomic Learning account. You must be logged into AL for the rest of the links to work.) My plan is to direct our teachers to this site as kind of a one stop AL ActivInspire shop. My hope is that readers will find the videos helpful as well as see yet another way blogs can be useful. My fear is that the formatting AL provides in its code make the list look long and intimidating. What do you think?
- ActivInspire Studio - Professional
- A. ActivInspire Intro
- B. ActivInspire Studio Basics
- Creating a flipchart
- Using the Main Toolbox
- Opening and viewing a flipchart
- Importing a flipchart from PowerPoint®
- Importing a flipchart from other types of files
- Changing the page view & using page zoom
- C. ActivInspire Studio Browsers
- Introducing browsers
- Using the Page Browser
- Using the Resource Browser
- Using the Object Browser
- Using the Notes Browser
- Using the Property Browser
- Using the Action Browser
- Using the Voting Browser
- D. Flipcharts
- Writing on a flipchart
- Adding and formatting text
- Inserting and deleting pages
- Inserting a snapshot of your desktop
- Inserting resources
- Adding a resource to the Resource Library
- Using grids
- Showing and hiding grids
- Using the Grid Designer
- Creating page notes
- Saving and printing a flipchart
- Publishing flipcharts
- Adding an image to a flipchart
- Adding a link to a file or Web site
- Editing and removing links
- Adding sound to your flipchart
- Inserting a movie
- E. Objects
- Adding shapes
- Changing the size of a shape
- Changing an object's shape
- Grouping and ungrouping objects
- Copying, pasting and duplicating objects
- Cutting and pasting
- Deleting text and objects
- Introducing layers
- Stacking objects
- Adding labels
- F. Action & Interaction
- Creating Containers
- Creating Restrictors
- Adding a Command action
- Adding a Page action
- Adding an Object action
- Adding a Voting Action
- Applying an action using drag & drop
- Using Express Poll
- Using the Insert Question Wizard for prepared questions
- G. Resources
- H. Tools
- Annotating over the desktop
- Using Desktop tools
- Using the Camera
- Using the Clock
- Using Handwriting Recognition
- Using Shape Recognition
- Using Magic Ink
- Using Tickertape
- Using the Revealer
- Using the On-screen Keyboard
- Using the Spotlight
- Using Teacher Lock
- Using the Dice Roller
- Using the Calculator
- Using the Ruler
- Using the Protractor
- Using the Compass
- Setting the XY Origin
- Using the Connector tool
- Using the Screen Recorder
- Using the Sound Recorder
- Accessing the Web browser
- Spell-checking your flipchart
- I. Profiles